Sunday 3 April 2016

Extremely Wise Words


Sorry its been a bit quiet on here lately, I've been pretty busy and I've not had as much time for reading as I would have liked. However, the reading of Inkheart is going well, and I'm absolutely loving the spell binding story, centred around the book loving heroine Meggie!

Whilst I'm busying away I thought I'd keep you amused with a post about my most loved quotes from children's books. (It's a bit of a long one, but I hope you enjoy it!)

As those of you who know me will already know I suffer quite badly from an anxiety disorder. You could say that my love of children's books stems from a time when life was easier, when I had less to worry about and things were simpler, and I think you'd be right in some respects. By sitting down with a beloved children's book I am often transported back to memories of reading that book as a child, and I revisit favourites again and again for that fondness and familiarity; they are my old friends. Now I think of it, most of those old friends took the shape of bears! Winnie-the-Pooh, Paddington, Teddy Robinson, Old Bear, Little Bear, Bramwell Brown! My Ursine pals were always there! But there were others too, like Charlie Bucket, Esiot Trot and Matilda, Ratty, Moley and Toad, and who could forget Pongwiffy the Witch!

Considering my literary pals, it occurred to me how much impact a book can have on a child, and how authors convey messages to their young readers. Much of what is written for the young is invaluable in terms of teaching life lessons, and addressing difficult situations. Just take some of the topics teen fiction covers these days! As an adult however, I think we can still look to children's fiction for inspiration and advice, so I thought I would share with you some of my favourite quotes.

1. Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A. Milne -

When I first came across this quote, not that long ago, it made me cry! It seemed to sum up everything I was feeling and the things that I needed to remind myself on a daily basis. I shy away from a lot because I don't feel brave enough, and I often underestimate how much I can cope with life. There are many other beautiful quotes to be found in the Winnie-the-Pooh stories, but this one will always resonate with me the most, and I like to keep it on my desk at all times to remind myself that I am ok, if only I remember what A.A Milne once said.

2. Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator by Roald Dahl-

I love this quote! It's an important one for everyone to remember! Please be silly, just because you're grown up doesn't mean you must stop being daft! Just look at Willy Wonker there in that wonderful Quentin Blake illustration, he's the epitomy of jollity. This quote pops into my head quite regularly and reminds me to loosen up a bit!

3. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K Rowling -

Good old Dumbledore, full of all wise words. These words in particular resonate with me. I've spent years wishing that my anxiety hadn't held me back, that I'd gone to university, that I'd done an arts course, that I'd been the person that I always believed that I would be, and its only recently that I've been honest enough with myself to admit that these dreams were not worth dwelling on anymore. Instead, I realised that I should be happy with what I've got and how my life is now, to look forward and not back. Dumbledore's wise words make so much sense now, because whilst you're dwelling on what you wished might have been you're are missing what is right there in front of you and it's passing you by. It's a valuable lesson people! 

4. Little Women by Lousia May Alcott -

Right now I am learning how to sail my ship! The waters are certainly rough and I'm often not sure if my boat is up to the job, but together we manage to get over the waves and keep going! This quote from the brilliant Jo March has helped me realise that if I keep trying I too could weather the storms and regain control. Little Women is an overtly moral tale, but it teaches some great general life lessons that we could all take something from.

5. Dr Seuss -

Dr Seuss said some really great things! He was always encouraging reading and learning and self belief in children. This quote however is aimed at adults. It reminds us how important the act of reading aloud to a child is. This is a subject very close to my heart, as I was read to when I was little, and I listened to a LOT of audio books too, and in fact now reading aloud is one of my favourite things to do! So I totally agree with Dr Seuss, there is no excuse! In fact the older, wackier and wilder you are the better! 

6. The Twits by Roald Dahl -

This has got to be one of my all time favourite quotes! I even have it on a t-shirt (thank you Primark!)! When I am feeling a bit low it reminds me to think a bit more positively, because if I do I will look happier and in turn feel happier. Everyone wants to look lovely don't they! It makes so much sense, think lovely, look lovely, be lovely! And that's good for everyone! So next time you're feeling a bit down remember to get those sunbeams shining out of your face!

There are loads more quotes I could share with you, but I think I best stop or we could be here forever. I hope you've enjoyed reading about my favourite children's book quotes, and that they might make a difference to your lives too. Never underestimate the power of books, whether you are young or old, and be it emotionally or academically. As Dr Suess once said "The more that you read, The more things you will know, The more that you learn, The more places you'll go!"

Thanks for reading :) x


  1. Very nice Lottie. At this place in time for me, my favourite of your chosen quotes would be the little women.

  2. This is such a wonderful blog Lottie! I love these quotes. Thank you!
    Amy S x

  3. I'm glad you both liked it 😊 X
